Meet Our Content and SEO Specialist, Sean! Sean creates and optimizes content that speaks to both humans and robots. He has a passion for language and all the ways it shapes the world and the shifting landscape of digital marketing. When he isn’t writing, Sean loves dissecting movies, cooking, traveling, growing plants, and wandering around in prairies.

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?

I’m from Kaneville, Illinois, a very small farming town in the cornfields around an hour west of Chicago. I lived there my whole life until attending college in Springfield, then moved to Chicago where I’ve lived since 2017. I never envisioned myself liking the city life so much but Chicago really is an amazing place to be!

What’s your role at Armada Digital?

As Content and SEO Specialist, my primary role is to conduct strategic keyword research and to write keyword-optimized website content that both aligns with the brand voices of our clients and attracts high-quality traffic to their websites.

What brought you to Armada Digital? 

Back in 2020–2021, I was looking for a job where I could put my SEO writing skills to use as well as conduct keyword research. Aubrey and I happened to meet each other via a Cubs/fantasy baseball chat group, and it turned out I was looking for the exact position that was opening at Armada Digital.

What’s your favorite thing about working at Armada Digital?

Camaraderie is a big one; I like and trust every member of our team, I know they do good work, and I’m proud of what we’re building. As far as the job itself, I can’t say enough about the incredible flexibility we enjoy, which I think enables us to do our best work each day.

What would you like clients (and potential clients) to know about Armada Digital?

That we’re rooting for you, too! While I do find SEO fun in and of itself, marketing was never my dream job. For me, I find marketing fulfilling when I’m helping people and clients I believe in and want to succeed, and our clientele really lives up to that. It doesn’t have to be something altruistic and world-changing, either—I’m routinely impressed by the skill and rave reviews of many of the home services clients we work with, for example.

What do you like to do in your free time? 

There are a number of things I might be focusing on at any given time. I like to play video games and card games with my friends, watch movies and discuss them, read, write, watch baseball, play softball, lift weights, and find new and interesting things to cook. I garden with the space available to me, and I also enjoy traveling both inside and outside of the US.

What is your favorite band or artist?

Her Name Is Calla, though they are now mostly defunct. As far as bands that are still funct, Radiohead is probably the one I most consistently listen to.

What is your dream vacation?

I’ve visited many of the countries I’ve most wanted to go to, and would certainly return to some of them. I like to think my dream vacation will surprise me, just as every new place does. But my dream vacation at this point probably has more to do with the people on it. I do dream of someday taking my parents somewhere.

What’s your favorite quote? 

Just so hard to narrow it down, especially if I’m trying to limit the length—as a writer, it’s often longer passages that stand out to me and make me wish I’d thought of them! 

For one on writing, I still like the David Mitchell quote I shared in an older bio: “If you show someone something you’ve written, you give them a sharpened stake, lie down in your coffin, and say, ‘When you’re ready.'”

For one that I always remember and associate with the book it appears in, the closing line of The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway always stuck with me: “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”

And of course the refrain from one of my favorite books of all time, Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut: “So it goes.”

What’s a cause that you are passionate about?

The environment is a big one; prairie conservation and restoration is particularly close to home here in Illinois, where less than 0.01% of native prairie remains. I am also very passionate about workers’ rights and conditions, something I feel is also core to our company identity at Armada Digital.