For Armada Digital’ clients, ROI is everything. In order to drive ROI from a digital space, your website needs strong conversion elements. In today’s age, anyone can build a website, but it takes expertise and an understanding of calls to action to build a website that drives business and conversions. What is a Call to Action? Put simply, a call to action is an action point on a website or social media post or newsletter designed to engage potential customers and clients. A Call to Action centers around the thought, “What do I want my potential clients and customers to do when they come to my site?” By identifying Calls to Action, a brand can answer the question, what is the purpose of my site? Included can be something as simple as an instant quote, a phone number, a sign up for a newsletter, an online assessment or any engagement tool that your business uses.
Seems pretty straightforward right? In reality, most websites do not have prominent calls to action. They are often overlooked for fancy design elements, visually appealing elements within a site or long paragraphs of text going into extreme detail about your organization’s history. Ultimately design and content need to revolve around the actions you want your site visitors to take. Let’s look at some examples:
Recently we launched an updated site for one of our very first clients – Square Cow Moovers. Square Cow wanted not only a beautiful site, but also a site that drives two primary conversion points: Instant Quotes and/or Contacts from potential customers. Because of these two goals, we made sure their calls to action for both were prominent and at the top of the page. Within one second (we timed it) of visiting the Square Cow site, a user knows exactly what this moving company wants them do. More importantly, this needs to be what the customer is looking to do when they visit this site.
Now for our second example: ABC Blind and Drapery. Again, ABC Blind and Drapery wanted not only to have a visually appealing site (they are window covering artists we came to find out) but also a site that functionally creates leads. Their primary call to action for customers is a design consultation. Secondarily, since they have a showroom, ABC wanted to make sure they are easy to find for potential customers. Take a look at their site. The first thing you will see are these three calls to action as well as their social media (which I would highly recommend for amazing design tips and information about window coverings and shade structures.)
Finally, we’ll take a look at Austin Paint Guys. This is an older site, one of the very first we ever built, but the concept has held up very well in the past 5 years. Again, we’re talking artists here. Not only did their site have to be beautiful, but also drive business. We cannot repeat this loud enough: if your website does not drive business, change your calls to action. If you don’t think your site needs calls to action, take a cold shower, and then think again. The primary call to action of the Austin’s Paint Guys site leads to a request a free quote form. This is a great example of keeping calls to action simple. The first three user prompts on their website are all the same- request a free quote. The actionable goals are clear and focused. Their site is designed to encourage users to request a free quote. If someone needs a little more, a link to their Yelp page assures potential clients that Austin’s Paint Guys are a great company. Currently we are working with APG to make their current site mobile friendly.
Getting leads from your online platform is not complicated. If you have the traffic, the actions you want that traffic to take when they get there needs to be simple and clear. Calls to Action ultimately answer the question “What do I want a customer to do when they visit my site?” and prompt the user towards completing that action. Quite simply, a site without calls to action remains incomplete. Visitors to your site are there to accomplish a goal. Help them do it!