How do you feel about kids with cancer?
Our answer: Love the kids, hate the cancer.
Howdy, howdy! We are actively looking for sponsors to join us in supporting the Austin Hold’Em for Heroes 2016 poker tournament! If not you personally, rope in your company or a friend. We are looking to have at least 250 folks participate in the event this year.
Armada Digital supports this event and this organization because of the DIRECT impact they have on families fighting for their children’s lives. For the past 3 years Armada Digital has been involved, this poker tournament has succeeded in directly helping dozens, if not hundreds, of families in huge ways by simply helping them cover things like mortgage payments, plane tickets to cancer treatments, paying bills, etc. Heroes for Children is a unique organization because there is no other organization that provides such versatility in restoring normalcy and brining comfort through each family’s journey. Other charities that provide assistance whether financial or otherwise come with more stipulations in how funds are allocated. Heroes for Children provides funds that families can use to take care of their greatest needs.
What’s more? The people we are helping could easily be any of us. Cancer has a crippling effect on families in so many ways—emotionally, physically and financially. We believe in this program so strongly because nearly every penny donated goes to help those in need, and we have met folks who have directly benefitted from this organization. Not only do we donate every year, we now serve on the committee for this event because we believe so strongly in this cause.
The 6th Annual Hold’Em for Heroes poker tournament will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30pm at the Austin Club. The event is run by professional dealers. Re-donations (buy-ins) are available. The ten winners have the opportunity to choose between a variety of awesome prizes. Read more about the different sponsorship levels here.
Becoming a sponsor will enable you to benefit an extremely worthy cause while also giving your business great publicity. Through becoming a sponsor you will also have the opportunity to network with other philanthropic-minded business owners and sponsors. You will be able to invite employees or clients to enjoy an evening of poker, fun, giving back and the chance to win prizes sponsored by brands like Kendra Scott and Yeti.
Even if you don’t like poker, consider donating, get your company involved or share with someone who might be interested. We are in serious need of a couple more of the larger sponsors. The sooner we can get commitment from sponsors the better off we will be, so please don’t delay your decision. It’s an incredible night, and it has a huge, direct impact on our local community.