Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house
Not a person was stirring, not even Papa’s mouse.
Instead he surfed the web on his phone with care,
After finding the wish lists- based on Facebook shares.
The children were snuggled all in their beds,
While visions of checkout carts danced in their heads.
Thank goodness for E-commerce, Mama exclaimed.
We can buy our favorite goods, in Austin, from Maine.
The website was clean, and the design so slick,
Papa knew in a moment, it was built by St. Nick (Alter).
St. Nick even did maintenance so the site wouldn’t crash,
the week before Christmas to make businesses cash.
Social media, blogging and SEO,
His team of experts knew the way to go.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name:
“Now Teylor, now Rachel, now Amber, now Aubrey.
On Topher, on Christie, on David, on Jamie.”
How did Papa find this site you might ask?
Page 1 on Google, and targeted ads.
He had only just clicked, but he knew what to do.
There were CTAs a plenty to guide him through.
And then in a twinkling, Papa loaded the next page
when suddenly his phone died, his head filled with rage.
So he grabbed his iPad to pull up the site.
It was CSS responsive, so design fit just right.
When Papa was done he checked out and paid,
After reading their blog and “liking” their page.
And finally he thought, after closing the site:
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night”