Platform to SEO/DM

In need of a beautiful platform that complements your brand, drives results, ranks well in search, and isn’t a pain in the a** to manage? You’ve come to the right people!


Whether you’re looking to build leads through organic search, PPC, social media, or all three, you need a reliable website that presents your brand well. Our proven process guarantees a website on the WordPress platform that provides an ideal user experience, includes strong calls to action, and serves as the perfect landing point for your inbound leads.


As the central powerhouse of a brand, a website is not something to be approached haphazardly.

Our focus on sustainable growth is evident throughout our platform development projects. From the first exploratory call to our detailed launch process, you’ll be working with Armada crew members whose mission is to create a platform that will serve your business well into the future. By partnering with Armada Digital Agency on your website project, we guarantee:

  • Your WordPress platform will be fully responsive and accessible, with a user experience that is geared to your audience.
  • We will approach the website design in a way that validates your brand’s authority, appeals to your target market, and features strong calls to action throughout.
  • We will include necessary functionalities to achieve your goals, whether that be to capture user information, encourage engagement through long-form content, or drive conversions through on-site form submissions.

Platform to SEO

If your website is slow, poorly organized, or even nonexistent, the first of our SEO services will be to build an elegant platform where you can begin attracting new organic leads. The Platform to SEO service is an efficient, systematic approach to building your SEO strategy from the ground up, starting with a fully optimized new website that does your business justice.

Here’s how the process works:

  1. Build the platform. Select one of the templates in the Armada Catalog and begin development on a website that will be ready to convert users in 4-6 weeks.
  2. Create compelling content. Develop content for the platform while allowing the client to participate in real-time with the process—ensuring copy solves the pain points for your ideal customer while maintaining your brand’s unique voice.
  3. Optimize the platform. Conduct intentional keyword research to then select optimal terms to apply to site content & optimize core pages according to SEO best practices.
  4. Create & deploy a sustainable lead generation strategy. Once the new website is launched and optimized, Armada Digital Agency will build on the momentum of the Foundational SEO package, continuing to create and optimize long-form content.


Platform to Digital Marketing

For some brands, more strategizing, development, and planning is required before digital marketing efforts like SEO, PPC, and social media marketing can begin. Our Platform to DM service is designed to build and deploy a reliable, functional website alongside a fully developed Go To Market Strategy that will drive sustainable leads for your business through the optimal channels for your audience.

In addition to the above components, the Platform to DM service includes:

  1. Conduct full brand audit & develop a Go to Market Strategy. Evaluate the brand’s current positioning and create a strategy that prioritizes sustainable lead generation to meet your business’s goals.
  2. Deploy your Go to Market Strategy. Following strategy development, we will own implementation while reporting on critical success metrics in our mission to drive sustainable leads.

Interested in building a website with us?

Website Design & Development FAQs

What kind of sites does Armada Digital build?

We build WordPress sites utilizing the DIVI theme. Any other theme requests will be addressed on a case-by-case basis, but we do not build sites outside of WordPress. DIVI is a user-friendly and flexible tool that is meant to empower both the client and their digital marketing account managers to quickly add or edit content.

What kind of sites does Armada Digital NOT build?

Of course, we want to be able to service all clients, however, there are certain projects where Armada is not a fit. 

  1. Websites not utilizing WordPress as the Content Management System 
  2. Websites requiring work within 3rd Party Proprietary Code 
  3. Development-only projects where we do not have the opportunity to consult with the client on design/functionality/layout 
  4. Fully custom websites
  5. Website applications 
  6. Case-by-case CRM integrations 
  7. Large e-commerce storefronts

What is your proven process?

Upon request, we can create a sample Project Deck for you to visualize your timeline with real dates. This document details our process across discovery all the way through to our post-launch warranty period. It is a dynamic document that changes as we work through our process.


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